Rolling Mind Development Start

Rolling Mind Puzzle Game

“Rolling Mind” is a puzzle genre mobile game that challenges your mental rotation ability. It was a game which I found on a game show a couple of years back and was amazed at how challenging it could be with just a maze and a color cube. Human brains can be really powerful if we train ourselves for it. Hence, I thought it would be fun to develop a game around this concept.

As it was my first time developing a game, I was quickly overwhelmed by the complexity and gave up after creating a prototype… Recently, I shared the game prototype with my friends and family, and the feedback was great. This gave me some motivation to complete Rolling Mind and publish on Google & Apple App Store.

So after 1 year of hiatus, I am back working on Rolling Mind! I don’t think this will be easy, but it definitely sounds fun to complete this game. Look forward to the completed version of “Rolling Mind”, hopefully by this year~